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Get Mobile with Electric Scooter
By Chen Chee Kui
Did you realise just how small our world is? And thanks to our ever increasing number of vehicle being mass produced to meet the demand for our population that can afford their own vehicle nowadays, it's just getting harder to move around. Well, it doesn't kill the purpose of getting more vehicle being manufactured monthly now, isn't it?
That is why we can notice the recent increase of interest towards electric scooters. The advantage over owning a scooter against any other vehicles like SUV and MPV is obvious. Its price is dirt cheap compared to that of a car. Plus, it's way more easier to be maintained due to its lightweight nature.
If your main goal is to reach your destination in the fastest speed, then, it will be a very good idea to own an Electric Scooter. The size of an Electric Scooter allow its rider to ride thru traffic jam with a breeze and this enable them to reach their destination faster than a car or cab would take during any traffic jam. If you're a thrill seeker, or simply always on the move, the varying speed feature that an Electric Scooter have definitely is something to look forward to.
It's cool to have an Electric Scooter, but due to the fact that it's not widely accepted as a mean of vehicle, the price of an Electric Scooter is still a little more expensive compared to a normal gas-powered scooter. And with the popularity that Electric Scooter is picking over the long haul, owning one Electric Scooter is sure to be the next big thing in our youth culture.
The fact that Electric Scooters is still not being heard of in some countries makes the possibility of getting a cheaper priced scooter in near future to be quite impossible. With the proper marketing effort by Electric Scooter manufacturer and distributer, it probably would take less amount of time for it to get the exposure it deserve.
Electric Scooter is the perfect choice for the elderly and handicapped. It can help them to move about effortlessly and not be too rely too much on others .
But the problem with Electric Scooter is, it require its battery to be constantly being charged. It's literally useless without electricity. But, even gas price will increase, so if you think about it, it's really not a big deal.
Let's just hope that the price of this funky scooter to decrease sooner so that we can see more people riding Electric Scooter.
About The Author
Chee Kui is a problogger and he discuss about ways to make money online on his blog.Riding an Electric Scooter instead of a car is one of his idea for us all to escape this chaotic and never ending traffic jam road problem that we have to face daily.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chen_Chee_Kui
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Top 9 Reasons Why Your Scooter Won't Start: 1.
1. Try depressing the brake handle when starting.
2. The battery has not been charged.
3. The battery is hooked up wrong. This is often the reason for blown fuses.
4. There isn't enough gas or two-stroke oil in the scooter.
5. There is a gas flow problem, especially on the Euro Scooter or Yamaha models.
6. The spark plug wire is not connected.
7. A low battery or bad relay can cause the scooter to only start by using the kick starter.
8. There is no spark to the spark plug. The coil is bad and needs to be replaced.
9. Turn the key to the "on" position.
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Got spark? First check for spark. There are a few ways to do this. The easiest way is to remove the spark plug and put it back in the spark plug cap. Then ground it to the engine - you should be able to lay it against a non-painted portion of the engine. Make sure there is good metal-to-metal contact. In a semi darkened area, attempt to start the scooter. You should see a definite spark at the tip of the spark plug. It's hard to see in direct light. If the color of the spark is blue, that means it's a strong spark. A white color is less strong, and a yellow color is weak. Most scooter starting systems are a bit weak (compared to cars). Even a yellow spark should start your scooter just fine. Next, the spark must occur at the right time. Just about all scooters made since around 1980 have electonic ignition. These systems rarely can be set. This is good news. After working on maybe 50 scooters, I've never seen one go out of time. Scooters with points are another matter. You'll have to follow the timing procedure in the manual to get the timing correct. In general, the spark occurs just before the piston reaches the top of it's stroke. There is a slight delay between the spark plug fire and the fuel-air mixture ignition. That's why the spark occurs a little early. Most ignition systems have an advance unit build in, so that as the engine speeds up the time of the spark retards a little bit and helps the engine fire the mixture at the proper time.
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